House architecture design in Seattle, Washington.
John Carter
— August 2021
Seattle, Washington
Architecture design

House architecture design in Seattle, Washington.

The city of Seattle is known for its unique and ever-changing skyline. As new buildings are constructed and old ones are renovated, the railings around them also undergo changes. Over the years, there have been many different railing designs that have become popular in Seattle.

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The initial concepts

The traditional railing design in Seattle has been around for centuries. It featured a simple, elegant design. The top rail is wide and flat, while the bottom rail is narrower and curves slightly inward. There are two vertical posts on either side of the stairs, and the handrail runs between them. This design is functional and easy to build, but it can be susceptible to wind damage. As time went on, new materials and technologies became available and people began to experiment with different designs for their railings.

In recent years, however, there has been a shift away from this traditional design. Many new construction projects feature more ornate railings with decorative elements such as scrollwork or metal plates. These more intricate designs are often made of materials like aluminum or stainless steel, which are more durable than wood.

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The final design

There's no mistaking it, the railings in Seattle have undergone a major makeover in recent years. No longer are they the bulky, ornate affairs of yore - now, sleek and simple designs reign supreme. This shift has been driven by several factors, not the least of which is the city's ever-growing love affair with all things modern and minimalist. But what exactly has brought about this change? Let's take a closer look at some of the key reasons behind Seattle's switch to sleeker railings.

First and foremost, there's the matter of aesthetics. Modern homeowners and businesses are increasingly drawn to the clean lines and uncluttered look of minimalism, and that preference has extended to their railing choices. Gone are the days when an intricate, wrought-iron railing was the only option - now, there is any number of sleek and simple designs to choose from.

But it's not just about looks. Modern railings are also far easier to install and maintain than their older counterparts. Thanks to advances in materials and manufacturing, today's railings can be put up quickly and with minimal effort. And because they tend to be made of durable, low-maintenance materials like aluminum or stainless steel, they'll continue looking great for years with little need for upkeep.